Stay Inspired

The LeggUP Career Pulse Assessment measures Productivity and Wellbeing to give a holistic picture of your strengths and potential blindspots.

Science-backed insights uncover your untapped potential and empower you to become who you know you can be.

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Just actionable results.

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The Future of Work

Career-Pulse-Assessment-on-Laptop-WebWhen work from home, there is naturally less direct interaction with co-workers and supervisors, and often more distractions. 

The impact can result in lower productivity and less engagement. 

  • Fewer checkins

  • More effort to resolve simple questions

  • Less employer support

Workplace strategies have been slow to follow the pace of change and provide a clear picture of the new employee experience. While productivity and motivation while working from home used to be difficult to measure, Career Pulse delivers the insights you need to stay competitive.

Knowledge Inspires Action!


LeggUP's Career Pulse assessment, designed by LeggUP LABS (Learning and Behavioral Science), helps identify strengths and potential blindspots so you can take action and grow.

Studies show stress impacts mental and physical health. Permanent stress leads to a weaker immune system, and potentially longterm health impacts. Your personalized report is your first step to taking action to reducing stress and increasing your productivity.

No Obligation. Just Actionable Results.

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